GBCI (Green Building Council Indonesia)

GREENSHIP rating system is a tool for the perpetrators of the building industry, cover entrepreneurs, engineers, and other actors in implementing best practices and achieve measurable standards that can be understood by the general public, especially tenants and building users. Standards to be achieved in the implementation GREENSHIP is by the assessment of the planning, construction, operation and up to daily maintenance. Assessment criteria are grouped into six categories, namely:

1. ASD - Appropriate site development (Tepat Guna Lahan)
2. EEC - Energy efficiency and conservation (Efisiensi dan Konservasi Energi)
3. WAC - Water conservation (Konservasi Air)
4. MRC - Material resources and cycle (Sumber dan Siklus Material)
5. IHC - Indoor air health and comfort (Kualitas Udara dan Kenyamanan Ruangan)
6. BEM - Building and environment management (Manajemen Lingkungan Bangunan)


USGBC (United State Green Building Council)

LEED is a voluntary certification program that can be applied to any building type and any building lifecycle phase. It promotes a whole-building approach to sustainability by recognizing performance in key areas :

  1. Location and Transportation.
  2. Sustainable sites.
  3. Water Efficiency.
  4. Energy & Atmosphere.
  5. Materials & Resources.
  6. Indoor Environmental Quality.
  7. Innovation in Design.
  8. Regional Priority

GBCI coordinates the work of global certification bodies with expertise in validating international standards (ISO-compliance), ensuring that the third-party certification and verification of buildings under the LEED Rating System is of the highest quality and integrity. Adoption of Rating system to different building typologies


IFC (International Finance Corporation)

EDGE is a green buildings platform that includes a green building standard, a software application, and a certification program for more than 140 countries. The platform is intended for anyone who is interested in the design of a green building, whether an architect, engineer, developer or building owner.

EDGE empowers the discovery of technical solutions at the early design stage to reduce operational expenses and environmental impact. Based on the user’s information inputs and selection of green measures, EDGE reveals projected operational savings and reduced carbon emissions. This overall picture of performance helps to articulate a compelling business case for building green.

The suite of EDGE building types includes Homes, Hospitality, Retail, Offices, Hospitals, and Education buildings. EDGE can be used to certify buildings at any stage of their life cycle; this includes concept, design, new construction, existing buildings, and renovations.

EDGE is an innovation of IFC, a member of the World Bank Group. A Global Green Standard To achieve the EDGE standard, a building must demonstrate a 20% reduction in projected operational energy consumption, water use and embodied energy1 in materials as compared to typical local practices. EDGE defines a global standard while contextualizing the base case to the building functions and its location.

Only a handful of measures are required for better building performance that result in lower utility costs, extended equipment service life, and less pressure on natural resources.